Name of the Colour Shades in the box |
031 Burnt Sienna |
032 Burnt Umber | 056 Cobalt Blue Hue |
063 Crimson Lake |
085 Chrome Yellow Deep Hue | 117 Emerald Green |
126 Flake White Hue |
207 Ivory Black | 236 Lemon Yellow |
251 Magenta | 351 Prussian Blue |
377 Rose Madder Hue |
391 Sap Green | 394 Scarlet Lake |
425 Turquoise Blue |
449 Vermillion Hue | 452 Viridian Hue |
492 Yellow Ochre |
For Best results, use with
Camel Purified Linseed oil – Best slow drying medium for oil painting, imparts look and life with luxuriant glossy finish.
Camel Distilled Turpentine – Clean Brushes, tools and hands of oil colour stains, it can also be used for thinning colours.
Camel Varnish Spray – Provides the paintings with protective coat guarding it against pollutants, light and physical damages etc., gives a uniform glossy finish.